Written by Thomas Cailley and Pauline Munier, Cailley also directed the film, ‘The Animal Kingdom’ which takes place in a

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In a world where Game of Thrones exists and the fantasy genre is ever-expanding, it is quite a task to

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The latter half of Invincible Season 2 is finally here and what already seemed like high stakes in the first

‘Code 8 Part II’ Review: New Stakes Emerge in a Thrilling Sequel
When ‘Code 8’ was released on Netflix back in 2019, the film was met with rather mixed reviews. We here
‘Amelia’s Children’ Review: Dark Family Secrets Take a Disturbing Turn
Learning about your family’s roots and ancestry should be a journey of fulfillment and happiness, and often sadness as we
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When one thinks or mentions the cultural phenomenon that is Avatar: The Last Airbender, one thinks of fond memories full
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