DC Comics expands its young readers, graphic novel library in 2020 with two brand new middle-grade graphic novels centered around Lois Lane and an all-new original superhero, Primer.
Writer Grace Ellis (Lumberjanes) and artist Brittney Williams team up to bring young readers a reimagining to one of DC’s favorite female characters, Lois Lane in Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge. A story that finds young Lois Lane pursuing her dreams in becoming a social media guru.
Debuting their first work for DC is animation writing duo, Jennifer Muro and Thomas Krajewski in Primer. Also making their DC debut is artist Gretel Lewsky. Primer is an all-new original DC superhero who learns to master her newfound, but colorful superpowers.
Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge will hit local comic book shops and wherever books are sold on July 21, 2020. You can pre-order Lois Lane and the Friendship Challenge right here.
Primer will hit local comic book shops and wherever books are sold on June 23, 2020. You can pre-order Primer right here.