First and foremost I must tell all of you readers that this article/review was a difficult one for me to write. Believe me when I say that I hold this Batman run close to my heart. Through the ups and downs, this story has kept me guessing in every which way. And there were plenty of ups and downs but the story as a whole resonated with me and given me a new perspective on the Dark Knight. A character that is and has always been my favorite superhero. I thought I knew everything about Bruce Wayne and Batman, and Tom King found a way to prove me wrong! So with that said, I give you my review of the spectacular finale of Tom King’s BATMAN run…
With 85 issues Tom King has kept the conversation going about his controversial Batman run buzzing. From moments that many fans raised hell over, with his 9-panel storytelling stylings, to the near killing of one of his closest comrades (still salty about Nightwing lol). The tale has been a thrill ride since the early pages of his Rebirth. We saw Batman transition to a point where many of us never thought he would go to. The very first issue we saw him ready to die content even that he would die in such a fashion. But saved at the last moment by the heroes Gotham and Gotham Girl. Now fast forward Batman realizes he needs more. He needs love, and Catwoman is his one true love. This series at its core has been an 85 issue love story for Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. But the question that is raised; can the Batman exist and be happy; we’ve waited for the answer for the last 2 years. and this issue we finally learn the answer. Its YES!! but it wasn’t easy lol
I feel the finale began at issue 75 when City of Bane began. I’m not going to review each issue of course but we all should remember what happened. Bane begins his plans to finally break the Batman. This plan has been a labor of love for Bane, prove that the Batman can be beaten and make sure it is in full effect. He broke him physically more then enough times, but if you only break the body he can heal. So he knows he must go much deeper to do so. Throughout each arc of Batman, he broke the Batman from mind, body, spirit, and heart. With the assistance of many villain’s from Batman’s rogues and the unlikely appearance of Thomas Wayne from Flashpoint. So begins his evil reign over Gotham City; we enter the City of Bane. Bane at this point believes he already won, has full-on control of everything and everyone. But the true puppet master since the moment his plans saw fruition, Thomas Wayne had his own mission. Even went as far as to shoot Bane in the head and Bruce to protect his plans.
Within the pages of the City of Bane arc, we learn Thomas Wayne allowed Bane to continue his ambitious plan because it coincided with his, though his plan never included the deaths of his son nor family at the time. Obviously plans changed. Of course, allowing the death of Alfred to happen was the moment you knew this man was not looking out for his son. We are shown that Thomas is truly distraught by his son not giving up the mantle as he hoped he would when he wrote the letter at Flashpoint. He felt betrayed but also responsible for showing his son the error of his ways. Make him understand he is not Batman and live a normal life with the woman he loves. It is an honorable mission to some degree, execution less savory, but face it. Thomas Wayne is not Batman lol
In true Tom King fashion, he tells us this story in sequences jumping from present, past, future scenes. Panel to panel jump in time, which does keep it interesting because it makes the impact of these moments even stronger. We see early on Bruce succeeds in defeating his father but how?! Jumping between conversations with Gotham Girl, to hanging out with KITE MAN! (Side note King made us all fall in love with Kite Man, your lying to yourself if you don’t agree lol) Without going verbatim for each scene each conversation shows all the lessons we learned through this run. As well as tieing up some loose ends. Thomas is sent to Arkham he doesn’t have any fight left in him. Bane makes his return (This man survived a shot to the head… like seriously!) and breaks Batman in half. Then our dance continues with the Bat and Cat jumping from rooftop to rooftop. knocking out villain after villain in their path. True love at its finest.
The issue, in my opinion, gave us what we all wanted since issue 50! The two have finally learned they were meant for each other. Showed us the Batman can still be Batman and be happy. As usual, I’m making sure I don’t go play by play for you all because you need to read this issue! this whole run in fact! Tom king I will like to thank you for such a great contribution, I enjoyed this story. 85 issues 4 annuals and you kept us coming back each issue. Cheers to an amazing run, HELL YEAH!!