The next installment of the irreverent, dark comedy six-issue series from co-creators Matt Bors — the founder of The Nib and a political cartoonist who has twice been named a Pulitzer Prize finalist — and Ben Clarkson — an acclaimed filmmaker and illustrator whose art has been featured on Adult Swim and Vice Noisey. JUSTICE WARRIORS is Bors’ first-ever monthly comic book and follows his announcement last year that he was retiring from political cartooning, following 18 years and 1,600 comics.
(W) Matt Bors
(A) Ben Clarkson
COVER A: Ben Clarkson
COVER B: Matt Bors
The outrageous series that’s “just the perfect amount of demented” (Bill Oakley, The Simpsons) continues! Bullets fly and profits fall as one financial bubble comes crashing down—inciting riots in the Uninhabited Zone—and a worse one rises to take its place! Veteran cop Swamp and rookie Schitt must patch up their differences and restore order in the frantic minutes before the second bubble collapses!
July 13, 2022
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