Marvel’s Hero Project immediately pulls you by your heartstrings and doesn’t let go. For those unaware of what Marvel’s Hero Project is all about, let’s quickly breeze through that. Marvel’s Hero Project focuses on 20 young children who have become real-life superheroes in their respective communities. These children not only inspire their fellow peers, but they also inspire their parents, and the role models around them. In return for their undying heroics, Marvel, in turn, makes them a real comic book hero. Cementing them in Marvel Comics history!


Episode One focuses on Jordan. A young teen who’s spent her entire life missing a limb. And while that might make her “disabled”. Jordan has turned her disability into her ultimate superpower. Becoming a huge advocate and role model for disabled children all across the country. Her heroics don’t stop there. Jordan is an inventor and designer. Who has designed, alongside her mentor a piece of technology to give her her missing piece and she wears it proudly.


The heartwarming moments of this episode all lie in Jordan’s outlook on life. She perseveres, overcomes and achieves. Her parents aren’t far behind as they are her rock. Supporting her in all she’s wanted to achieve throughout her childhood and now into her teenage years. This episode was a perfect way to kick off such an awe-inspiring series that’s sure to hit everyone to their core in the best way possible. There’s many things that both us as adults and our children watching can learn and be inspired from, based on what these amazing children can do and have come to achieve at such a young age.

Jordan is and forever will be cemented in Marvel history as both a comic book hero and a real-life superhero. An achievement for the ages!

Marvel’s Hero Project premieres November 12, exclusively on Disney+!
